Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Backlog reorganizing!

My plan for the end of the year is to finally settle on a realistic and fair backlog. Slowly going through my collection to correct any errors and un-null any games that I haven't beaten, but intended to beat from the start, while nulling anything that I only bought for multiplayer or something. If I can have an accurate representation of all that by Dec 31st, maybe I'll finally be able to truly track my progress over the course of a whole year!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holy crap at how much I've unplayed!

With the latest addition to Backloggery, I now realize I have 35 games that I have yet to partake in at all. What the hell. THIRTY FIVE EFFING GAMES!! How did it get like this? Something's got to give, yet at the same time, I feel like not finishing the games I've already started is also self-treason...